pidipVJ documentation
Software requeriments
Pure Data ( v0.37 ) is available @
PDP ( 0.12 ) available @
PiDiP ( 0.12 )available @
playlist object available @
grid object available @
(optional) counter object from GEM available @ one feature
Hardware requeriments
Fast machine -- this patch use a lot of cpu. we r using it with an athlon2000+. we'v been used it before with a athlon900 but opening only one window(without previews)
A dualhead grafic card or something like this (ie. xinerama, TwinView, etc ...). we use nvidia GeForce4 (here is our XF86Config TwinView option is only usable with nvidia cards) this is to have two "screens" one for previews and controls (1024x768) and the other for the video output(640x480). allthrougt you can adapt the patch to use only one screen.
Xvideo extension that can open several pdp windows (decent video cards can do this)
tar xzvf pidipVJ.tar.gz
cd pidipVJ - (it's important cause the init bang use "mov" file from here)
pd MAIN.pd
click the INIT bang
it will open 4 pdp windows and put it in their places.
the three windows that you see over the patch must be "always on top" so click right button over the title bar of these windows and ....
change the "location" message that initialize the playlists to the path of your video stuff and click on both...
now you can enjoy this patch
note: we use this patch with a lot of very short and light videos (ie: sorenson, 320x240, 60 sec.).. i don't know how is the performance with other video formats...
basically you have two video channels with separate rack of effects and preview window (1 & 2). the effects can be aplied by pressing the associated key in keypad abstraction, default:
channel 1 | channel 2 | effect |
q | a | pdp_aging |
w | s | pdp_ascii |
e | d | pdp_edge |
r | f | pdp_nervous |
t | g | pdp_simura |
y | h | pdp_transform |
u | k | pdp_vertigo |
i | l | pdp_cycle |
o | ñ | pdp_underwatch |
esc | \ | clean all effects |
both channels have speed, position, zoom in vsliders and some parameters for the effects with the grids...
you can select a video by click in the playlist or you can click the toogle on thew right of the playlist to change it randomly
the center window (3) is the result of mix option that you can choose with the keyboard too...
1 | only channel1 |
2 | only channel2 |
3 | pdp_mix |
4 | pdp_randmix |
5 | pdp_and |
6 | pdp_add |
7 | pdp_or |
8 | pdp_xor |
9 | pdp_mul |
0 | pdp_sup |
the big hslides and grid behind the center window modify parameters of the mix... (we r experimenting for now...)
the last destacable element is the keyboard informer that allows to know which effects and mix options you have enbled (only to see and have control)
MIDI in to substitute the keiboard and change videos
audio in to control effect parameters