
BalFolk CreativeCommons playlists: (759 audios)
Activate audio playback by m3u playlist

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The contents of the playlist, statistics, as well as the script code are licensed under CC: by: NC: SA.

Last entries


Add your song to the playlist

Usage Instructions:

  • Make sure the piece is in CreativeCommons license (maximum ByNcSa) or public domain ... The license is visible on the CD or on where music is published.
  • If this piece is already online somewhere on the web, copy and paste the URL into the form,,
  • It is necessary to enter the name of the artist, if he is not the original composer, add the name of the composer in the form. If it is a traditional public domain, put 'Trad'!
  • Do the same for the dance type.
  • If this piece is not online or you can retrieve its URL Cf BandCamp, Myspace ..., upload the entire album on a public library of the state of California, which has plans to archive free contents of the net
    > Name files as 'title-artist.wav'
    > Upload uncompressed files (wav or FLAC), mp3, ogg and flac will be converted automatically.
    > In the dowload area, press 'SHOW ALL' ; Copy the URL for each mp3 and put them into the BalLibre's form
  • Then you will be free to update the information of a song in re-proposing the same URL, the information will be replaced.
  • To remove a song from the list, send an email to raf (at)
  • What is that?

    BalLibre links with copyright-free balfolk-music ordered by dances & bands. Here music can be freely shared - You are welcome to submit a link to your music!
  • This tool generates a random 'BalFolk' playlist to open in your favorite media player!
  • It shows possibilities of the CreativeCommons licence 'BY-NC-SA'. Under this conditions, you're free to share and reuse this musics.
  • You can filter the collection by dance or artist.
  • Export the player copy-paste this code on your website:
    <iframe width='100%' height='120' style='border: none;' src=''></iframe>
  • Idem with the liste:
    <iframe width='600' height='800' style='border: none;' src=''></iframe>
  • Random? Not only! To create a good mix, the script relegates the most represented groups at the end of the playlist, and avoids placing the same dances too close.
  • Des licences libres au BalFolk

    We need a translation Reflétant la logique de partage des musiques traditionnelles, réadaptée aux contexte des réseaux numériques, les licences libres ont tout leur interêt dans le milieu BalFolk:

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